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【CBT Event】To be a Bug Hunter

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  • IGN: CloudSenpai
    Server: 1

    1-) We can't search guilds. I mean the searching section is not working.
    2-) We can't see the online friends.
    3-) We can't see the message section and because of this i can't answer the messages back. It should be a place where we can open private messages. It's distressing to answer only when someone writes.

    Thank you.


    4-) It leads to a different place when i say open.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.png
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ID:	88650Click image for larger version

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    Attached Files
    Last edited by applezhou; 09-18-2017, 09:13 AM.


    • IGN: TenzkillTV
      Server: 1
      Bug(s) I found: When you have 1 gold and try a free refresh it gives the error: "Not enough gold"
      Steps to recreate this bug: Have 1 gold and try to refresh a quest while you have a golden emblem.
      Screenshots of the bug: ​


      Last edited by applezhou; 09-18-2017, 09:19 AM.


      • IGN: Nexature
        Server: 1
        Bug(s) I found: I was just starting out the game and got to the part where you go to the bar for the first time to fight Natsu and his crew so you can recruit members using the bar. During the fight animations wouldn't load in time with the moves and it caused characters to stand in front of enemies after attacking instead of returning to their side of the fight. In my clip you can see this occurring with Natsu near the beginning of the clip, then again with Lisanna near the end.
        Steps to recreate this bug: Try to fight Natsu and his crew at the bar to unlock further use of the bar to recruit new members to your team. During the fight the animations will stop loading in time and characters will begin to stand in front of enemies. The fight still goes on and concludes correctly though. This has occurred to both me and a friend, though I was the one to clip it. My computer screen has a resolution of 1360x768 and my buddy's screen resolution was 1360x760
        Screenshots of the bug:


        • IGN: Ezraielor
          Server: 1
          Bug: didnt received an Limited partner after 7x 10 Draws


          • IGN:xXKiritoXx
            Bug I found: when i wanted to upgrade the mount 50 times it costs normaly 500 Gold but when i tried it as i had 5 magic source Stones it wants me to pay the stones and 4500 Gold
            Steps to recreate this bug: have magic source stones in ur inventory and try 50 times upgrade then inside the message u see it will take ten times the gold value

            Attached Files


            • IGN:PAB
              Bug:Visual Glitch of Double Character
              Steps to recreate : BAttle someone in arena
              Attached Files


              • IGN:PAB
                Bug:Faction war lags and Ice and Fire Symbol are switched
                Attached Files


                • IGN: Minako
                  Server: 1
                  Bug(s) I found: Several problems with Faction Wars event.
                  -Announcements in the way of the top row also causing major lag, and auto battle doesn't seem to work.
                  -Players are getting stuck.
                  -Chat box screwing up due to the lag.
                  -It is also saying that my character is already in combat yet it is nowhere to be found.
                  -The counter at the top is also stuck at 00:00.

                  Steps to recreate this bug:
                  -Simply play Faction War event.

                  Screenshot of the Bug: A screenshot will not express the issues properly. I will send you a video once it's uploaded.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Faction Wars issues.jpg
Views:	296
Size:	259.7 KB
ID:	88745
                  Last edited by 46531504827986; 09-17-2017, 06:16 AM. Reason: forgot to add steps to recreate


                  • Originally posted by 46531504827986 View Post
                    IGN: Minako
                    Bug(s) I found: I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug/glitch on your end, or if it's the flash player, but sometimes when this white effect is triggered it gets stuck on the screen constantly flashing. It doesn't happen 100% of the time, but when it does it's enough to give someone a seizure... This has happened to me a few times every day of the CBT so far.

                    Steps to recreate this bug: Enter combat (might take a few times) and wait for it to happen.

                    Screenshots of the bug:


                    We do not see a white effect in the picture, may I know it is the skill of which character, and the name of that skill, thx

                    I'm not sure what is triggering the white effect around the screen. It triggers with skills and standards, so I'm going to assume it's damage related. The effect I'm talking about is the one you see around the inside border of the combat screen in that screenshot. The problem is it gets stuck there and constantly flashes enough to make your eyes hurt (which can lead to seizures in some people).

                    I managed to record the problem and I will upload a video of it for you. I don't think it's a problem with my flashplayer because when it happened, after the fight I refreshed, went back into arena and the saved replay showed the exact same thing. :/ I will send you the link to the video in a private message once it's uploaded. Please read the descriptions in both videos I sent you for further details on each problem.
                    Last edited by 46531504827986; 09-17-2017, 11:09 AM. Reason: update involving video


                    • IGN: Smiley
                      Server: S1

                      Bug(s) I found: One of the achievements in the bar gives 50 starsoul as prize. Instead of starsouls getting added to bar starsoul count, the prize goes to your bag. However, in the bag, there is no way to activate these 50 starsouls - it only gives you the option to "display" (which writes it in chat), or to "sell".. No way to open or get these starsouls to your bar starsoul count. (Please also note my bar starsoul count just after I completed that quest/achievement - it's 26, showing that starsouls definitely didn't go to my bar starsoul count).

                      Steps to recreate this bug:
                      1. Go to Bar, Rewards, Achieve tab
                      2. Do the quest: "Recruit 2 Epic partners in the bar.
                      3. Note starsoul count, press the Claim button, note that after completed starsouls didn't go up.
                      4. Go to Bag, see that there is an item of starsouls in bag.
                      5. Click on the starsoul item in bag, only two options (display or sell).. no way to get starsoul item to bar starsoul count. (Missing use option?)

                      Screenshots of the bug:
                      Attached Files


                      • IGN: Minako
                        Server: 1
                        Bug(s) I found: Arena Battle Log has a bug where it says 'Defeat' even though it's a battle you won.

                        Steps to recreate this bug:
                        -Fight in Arena and win a match.
                        -Go to Battle Log and watch the fight.

                        Screenshots of the bug:
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Arena Battle Log replay bug.jpg
Views:	296
Size:	49.0 KB
ID:	88770

                        Recorded problem
                        Last edited by applezhou; 09-18-2017, 02:11 AM.


                        • IGN:PAB
                          Bugouble messages
                          Send or Recieve Messages

                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by applezhou; 09-18-2017, 02:11 AM.


                          • IGN: Izacson
                            Server: CBT S1

                            Bug I found: Can't see/claim the offer for completing Trial hard mode after auto-playing it. No matter how many times you click on the gift box it won't show the offer.

                            Steps to recreate this bug:
                            1. Go to Trial and choose Hard mode.
                            2. Click auto-play and sweep the 13 stages.
                            3. The offer (little red gift box on the progress bar) for completing the trial will appear but nothing happens when you click on it.

                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by applezhou; 09-19-2017, 01:12 AM.


                            • IGN: Izacson
                              Server: CBT S1

                              Bug I found: The possible rewards shown in some quests in the map are mistaken. The boss fights which cost 2 stamina always give the better rewards while the 1 stamina fights only give the silver bags.
                              In the 2 attached images you can see how the possible rewards shown for the 1-stamina and 2-stamina fights are exchanged. If you defeat the "Eisenwald Elite 2" you only get silver bags and if you defeat "Karacka" you can get silver bags, materials, exp tokens or scrolls.

                              Steps to recreate this bug:
                              1. Go to Map and choose Crocus Capital or Crossroads.
                              2. Click any stage, some of the possible rewards shown for 1-stamina and 2-stamina are mistaken.

                              Note: The 2 attached images are only one example, there are many other places in the quest map that have the same mistake.

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by applezhou; 09-19-2017, 01:24 AM.


                              • IGN: TenzkillTV
                                Server: 01
                                Bug(s) I found: Upgrading critical boost lvls does nothing other than increasing lvl. (No skill difference nor crit dam % difference, it just stays at 20% and nothing changes)
                                Steps to recreate this bug: upgrade Critical boost.
                                Screenshots of the bug: Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
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Size:	670.6 KB
ID:	88834

                                Last edited by applezhou; 09-19-2017, 01:36 AM.

